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I Bamboi

A brief history

The curious name of our wine shop means in the Venetian dialect “the buds” and would like to express the deep connection with nature, with the vine and a new beginning. Wine tradition in our family has been handed down from one generation to the other and today flourishes again with I Bamboi, like the vine buds that every spring sprout to generate new fruits.
I vini che produciamo sono ottenuti da uve coltivate sui nostri terreni e da coltivazioni attigue: vigne accudite con grande dedizione e passione da tecnici qualificati in ogni momento dell’anno, dalla potatura alla vendemmia. Abbracciati dalle dolci colline, protected by a mild climate and cuddled by loving cures, i nostri vigneti crescono rigogliosi in una posizione ideale per la coltivazione della vite, tra le Dolomiti e l’Adriatico. We personally follow all the production and transformation cycle of the grapes inside our wine shop to produce a healthy and genuine wine by bringing in the experiences gained in many years of activity. Every day we commit ourselves to enhance wines and grapevines typical of the territory, looking for the quality but respecting the naturalness of a special product.
I Bamboi Logo

Via Brandolini, 13
Italy, Veneto




I Bamboi Wines